Imaginary Bones
岸の初個展「Neighbor’s room」にて展示された作品や、過去の未発表作品も収録。
“Rather than treating AI as a tool,” Kishi says, “I treat it as an entity with autonomy,
just like a person, and collaborate with it as an intelligence that is different from a person’s.”
With this in mind, he has been trying to “reread everything that has been created by humanity,
such as history and images, in a different way from what has been done before.”
This collection focuses on his latest works, which are based on the concept of reinterpreting
“bones” from the perspective of AI, presenting a world composed of shapes and rules that
differ from our own, as well as works exhibited at his first solo exhibition
“Neighbors’ Room” and previously unpublished works.
Past, present, and even future works by Kishi and AI are intertwined in this collection,
leading the viewer on a new journey.

Imaginary Bones

2022 / 03 / 28 release

約90P 予定 /サイズ:286×225
Number of pages: Approximately 90 pages planned / Size: 286 × 225


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  • 人には骨に血肉があり、それが人たらしめているのだろうか。ならば骨はなぜ骨なのか。椅子はなぜ椅子なのか。


  • We are made of bones, flesh, and blood, but is that what makes us human? If so, why is a bone a bone? Why is a chair a chair?
    Whenever I look at Kishi’s work, I feel as if I have been given infinite time to ponder over the question, “Where is the irrefutable proof that I am human?”

    Yu Ishizuka (Fashion Model)

  • 次世代のアートを作り出す彼の作品をぜひ見てください

    imma (バーチャルヒューマン)

  • Kishi is a trailblazer, paving the way for the next generation of art.

    imma (Virtual Human)

  • このタイミングで


  • Right now, we’ll realize
    the crusted, egocentric interpretations of things
    are just beginning to break down
    and that means stepping into a whole new dream.


  • 岸くんの作品を見ていると、自分の中の「当たり前」の揺らぎに驚くのと同時に、AIが持つ、新しい世界への限りない好奇心のようなものを感じます。


  • When I look at Kishi’s work, I am amazed at how it unsettles my own common sense. It also stirs up something like a boundless curiosity for a new world inherent in AI.
    I can sense the heart of AI. It’s a rather strange feeling.

    Moeka Shiotsuka (hitsujibungaku)

  • Yuma KishiはAIと生殖活動をしている!


  • Yuma Kishi and AI are procreating.
    His artworks must be their children.
    In other words, this book is a collection of new life forms!

    Makoto Nagahisa (Film Director)

  • 取って代わられるとか敵になるとか、AIの側にその気があるのかわからないけれど、怖い話も聞くことがあります。


  • I sometimes hear scary stories about humans being replaced by AI, or that AI will become an enemy, though I don’t know if AI has any intention of doing so. But it seems to me that Yuma Kishi’s work, at least, is created through a collaboration with a (somewhat special) neighbor, the AI. I find myself feeling a kind of hope.
    Artworks that are created through the give and take of each individual have greater freedom and can leap to new, unexpected heights.
    At the same time, the AI’s expressions can also evoke in me a sense of nostalgia or sympathy, and I find that infinitely interesting.
    It’s also a slightly frightening sensation.
    Prompted by Kishi’s work, I am beginning to reconsider certain ways of looking at things that I had never been conscious of before.

    Yukichi Kasaku/men (Singer-songwriter)

Artist 岸裕真 Yuma Kishi
  • AIを人を模倣するものではなく、異次元のエイリアンの知性として捉え、 その知性を自らの身体にインストール・依代として貸し出すことで、デジタルな知性とアナログな身体を並列関係に配置した制作を行う。
    制作の中にはしばしば過去の美術史のモチーフが借用され、それが歪な形でテクノロジーと接合されることで、 作品空間に介入した鑑賞者は今ここに存在する自己や世界に対する意識が一瞬脱臼するような感覚を想起する。

    2019 年東京大学大学院工学系研究科修了
    2021 年より東京藝術大学先端芸術表現科修士課程在籍
    2019 Eureka展, Gallery Water (六本木)
    2020 富士山展3.0 -冨嶽二〇二〇景-, T-ART HALL (天王洲)
    2020 荒れ地のアレロパシー, MITSUKOSHI CONTEMPORARY GALLERY (日本橋)
    2021 絵画の見かた reprise, √K Contemporary (神楽坂)
    2021 Neighbors' Room, BLOCK HOUSE (原宿)
    2021 Imaginary Bones, √K Contemporary (神楽坂)
  • He thinks of AI not as something that imitates people, but as an alien intelligence from a different dimension, and by installing this intelligence in his own body and lending himself to its possession, he creates works that place digital intelligence and the analog body in a parallel relationship.
    In his works, he often borrows motifs from past art history, which are combined with technology in a distorted form. For viewers who intervene in the space of the work, this evokes a sensation like a momentary dislocation of awareness of the self and the world that exists in the here and now.
    In recent years, he has been active in a wide range of fields, including fashion for VOGUE and NIKE × UNDERCOVER, collaborations with music artists such as GLIMSPANKY, Tempalay and Teebs, and participation in the group exhibition “imma-ten” featuring virtual human imma.
    He also energetically exhibits his work as NFT art and so on. As a leader of AI art in Japan, he has been attracting attention from overseas, and has participated in group exhibitions abroad.

    2019 Completed graduate studies, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
    2021 Enrolled in the Master’s Program of the Department of Intermedia Art, Tokyo University of the Arts
    2019 Eureka Exhibition, Gallery Water (Roppongi)
    2020 FUJISANTEN3.0 — FUGAKU2020KEI, T-ART HALL (Tennozu)
    2020 Allelopathy of the Wasteland, MITSUKOSHI CONTEMPORARY GALLERY (Nihonbashi)
    2021 Approaches to Painting – Reprise, √K Contemporary (Kagurazaka)
    2021 Neighbors’ Room, BLOCK HOUSE (Harajuku)
    2021 Imaginary Bones, √K Contemporary (Kagurazaka)
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